Monday, June 1, 2009


A man sits with a harmonica in hand playing songs of long ago. Showing a love for music and a

love of sending wonderful rhythms heavenward. This man knows the Lord. This knowledge was

gained from a life of hard work and hard knocks. So many times the events of the day sent him to

his knees in prayer. A quiet man so often not understood by the people around him,but

understood by the Lord. Given so many gifts from the Lord to bless all who knew him him. If all

who were around him really wanted to know him. A worker of wood. Who in times past fashioned

beautiful pieces of furniture. Gaining knowledge of how the Lord created something from nothing.

Quietly shaping the wood, getting to know the grain, appreciating the beauty and knowing peace

from a job well done. His work now is shaping images on a computer screene. Images for use for

future generations. Fashioned by the hands that right now held the harmonica sending

wonderful rhythms heavenward.

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